One Voice for the Mobile Games Industry
Mobile Games Intelligence is the industry group that leads on mobile games public policy issues. We advise our members on the often-complex landscape of policies, laws and regulations that will affect them. We engage with governments, regulators and other policy-influencers to help shape future public policies.
MGI leads industry in developing the best environment for their players.

PCG is the leading international conference series for the games industry. As with last year, MGI attended the London event on 20–21 January. It brought together gaming industry professionals from around the world to discuss trends, challenges, and opportunities through a series of insightful panels. Again, policy and regulatory issues featured with industry-goers recognising the changing regulatory – and therefore commercial – landscape.
A late summer trip to Vilnius, Lithuania placed Veronica and I at the main Games Industry Law Summit event. Our 3rd time sponsoring these wonderful events and my 2nd time attending. They bring together legal experts from all over the world (58 different countries, to be exact!). Learn about our experience and key takeaways from the event.